
среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

Nicoletta - J'attends.J'attends – Connivences

1 комментарий:

  1. I still can´t find neither on cd nor in the internet a wonderful song by Nicoletta that I remember I used to hera on the radio when I was a child, the song is "L´amour me pardonne", it is the French version of the English song "Everlasting Love" (recorded by The Love affair, William Bell, german singer Sandra, and others). Some years ago on the occasion of a trip to Paris I looked for the cd with that song in the huge Music Megastores there (Virgin, fnac), they didn´t have it. Don´t know whether that song was a hit in France when it was released, I suppose it wasn´t as the label still has not released it on cd. I´ll keep on searching.
    Best wishes, nice week !
